Winter – the Perfect Weather for Making Lasting Memories

Kids health, winter, snow, ice, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, outdoors, cold weather, frost bite,safety, sunburn, hydration, appropriate winter clothing, helmets, tips from town

Cold weather and snow does not have to mean it’s time to stay in and hibernate. In fact, this is an excellent opportunity to try new activities as a family and create some pretty amazing memories together that your kids will remember for years to come. With a little prep work you can all enjoy outdoor pursuits comfortably and ensure those new memories are enjoyable.

Dress appropriately for the weather and the sport. Layer clothing with lightweight wicking materials. To avoid frostbite, keep extremities covered (ears, fingers and toes). Since kids have a tendency to be oblivious to the cold and wet when having fun, keep an eye on them and always bring extra clothing, particularly socks, mitts and hats.

Hydrate. We often forget that we still need to drink lots of water even in cold weather, and no – eating snow doesn’t cut it. Hydrate just like you would if it were summertime. Remember, kids work hard at playing whether they are skiing, skating, sledding or building a snowman – so underneath all those layers they will probably be sweating a bit too.

Sun Safety. Sunburn can be even more intense in the winter as it reflects off the white snow – don’t forget to protect skin and eyes from those glaring rays.

Windburn. Protect sensitive skin by covering up or using Vaseline or Aquaphor on cheeks and lips.

Helmets. Not only from the cold but also from bumps and bangs – consider helmets for all snow sports – even things like sledding can prove very dangerous.

Here are some great ideas for you and your family to try this winter:

  1. SleddingKids health, Winter weather, safety, memories, winter, snow, ice, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, outdoors, cold weather, frost bite, safety, sunburn, hydration, appropriate winter clothing, helmets, tips from town
  2. Sow angelsKids health, Winter weather, safety, memories, winter, snow, ice, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, outdoors, cold weather, frost bite, safety, sunburn, hydration, appropriate winter clothing, helmets, tips from town
  3. Building snowmen and snow forts
  4. Use the snow to create an obstacle course in your back yard
  5. Mix water and food coloring in super soakers and “paint” the snow covered lawn
  6. Using pinecones, seeds and some kind of nut butter set out these tasty treats and watch the winter birds that come by
  7. Visit a local nature center and take a hike – discover, draw and learn about all the different animals that are active during the cold months
  8. Visit a nature center or maple farm that collects the sap and learn about the art of making maple sugar and do a Sugar pull in the cold snowKids health, Winter weather, safety, memories, winter, snow, ice, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, outdoors, cold weather, frost bite, safety, sunburn, hydration, appropriate winter clothing, helmets, tips from town
  9. Ice skating, snow-shoeing, cross country skiing, downhill skiing and snowboarding, snow tubing – research local parks and mountains for specific types of winter activities and try something new as a familyKids health, Winter weather, safety, memories, winter, snow, ice, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, outdoors, cold weather, frost bite, safety, sunburn, hydration, appropriate winter clothing, helmets, tips from town
  10. Have a back yard bonfire – who says smores are only for summer. Get the fire going, bring out chairs and lots of blankets, make smores drink cocoa and hot cider and sing seasonal songs – a guaranteed child pleaser.
  11. Go caroling door to door in your neighborhood
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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.