What Do You Know About Your Heart?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women. Unfortunately, most women are not aware of the dangers of heart disease, or of the steps they can take to reduce their risk for a heart attack or stroke.
Join Benita Burke, M.D., Medical Director of Heart Care for Women, for this informative and educational presentation. Find out more about the unique cardiac symptoms women experience and how to prevent and treat heart disease.
“We are grateful to Valley for partnering with the YW on this important program,” said YWCA Bergen County CEO Helen Archontou. “In our mission to empower women, heart health is essential.”
The program will be held at YWCA Bergen County, located at 112 Oak St., in Ridgewood. Light refreshments will be served at 6:30. The program will begin at 7.
To register, please call 1-800-VALLEY 1 (1-800-825-5391).