Veggie Burgers or NOT?

I thought I would get one over on my family and serve veggie burgers the other night,  thinking it was a nice alternative to meat. By the time I was done loading cheese, condiments and whatever else I could, (in order to get the kids to eat it) it wasn’t so healthy.  There are many different veggie burgers and clearly I chose the wrong one. Now I know better and can share it with you. I read an article in the Nutrition Action Health Newsletter of December 2011, “No Bun Intended-The Top Veggie Burgers and Nuggets” by Jayne Hurley and Bonnie Liebman. It was a real eye opener about what we need to know before purchasing veggie burgers. Next time I am at the market, I will make sure I pay attention to the nutrition label. You really need to read the nutrition label to see what you are getting or missing. Some of the things you need to look for are protein, less sodium, avoiding quorn and figure out the best way to prepare it.  Let’s hope I get it right the next time or we will remain a meat eating family.

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Author: megandunphey


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