The Shaker Heights High School Theatre Department presents Urinetown, an earnest tale of love, greed, and revolution. The show is set in a town plagued by a 20-year drought, where water has become so scarce that private toilets have become unthinkable. At the mercy of a single dominating corporation who maintains a monopoly on the town’s public amenities, the destitute citizens must pay towering taxes and fines to carry out their most private and basic of needs. Out of the mass of the pitiable, a hero rises to lead his fellow citizens against the tyrannical regime. Tickets: $5-25
Shaker Heights High School Large Auditorium, 15911 Aldersyde Dr, Shaker Heights , OH.
A few of SHHS thespians: Christine Madsen McBurney, Scott Sumerak, Chuck Tisdale,
Mario Clopton-Zymler, Erik Johnson, Wendy Kriss