Update: Great News About COVID-19
Also Read… Masks and Your Child:What We DON’T Know
I realize good news is hard to come by, doesn’t sell a lot of papers and makes selling an agenda more difficult. However, in the midst of all the decisions about how we can protect our children and their teachers and provide an education, in the midst of debating if people can go back to work and feed their families, it is important to share this from the CDC. Cases are up. You know this, because the headlines are screaming it at you. It should come as no surprise. That is what viruses do. They spread. Some people are getting sick, many are just getting quarantined. Maybe the thought of getting sick terrifies you, and if so, you have every right to protect yourself and your children. However, if we are going to insist on using the impossible-to-deny blanket statement, “Human life is more important than … (fill in the blank — work, education, sports, fun, childhood, mental health)” then we should at least be very clear about the real risk to human life.
Here is the latest from the CDC on deaths from COVID-19. Keep in mind these numbers are more, not less, encouraging in the face of rising positive tests. It means while more people are getting it, far fewer people are dying from it. This is GOOD news. We should be sharing it. I’m a physician. Of course, protecting human life is of the utmost importance to me. Protecting the truth comes in at a very close second.
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