The Summer is NOT Almost Over

You heard me! The summer is not almost over, so stop saying it!! I can hear all you pessimistic, glass-half-empty types and you are raining on the parade. To say the summer is almost over at this point, is akin to saying, “This weekend is over”, while you are getting ready to go out Saturday night.” It is the same as saying at halftime of the Super Bowl, “I can’t believe this game is over.” If you are having two wisdom teeth extracted, you’d never say after the first one was done, “Whew, I’m glad that’s over!” While you are bundling up your kids to send them out in January, you wouldn’t think, “Thank goodness this winter is behind us.”

Right now, (August 13th) there are still …

3 more summer weekends — That is 9 more happy hours.

19 more days . That is 38 more opportunities to see the sun rise and set in a summer sky.

456 more hours. That is about 304 waking hour chances to spend quality time with your kids, to try something new or to just enjoy the warmth.

27,360 more minutes. That is over 25,000 more opportunities to live in the moment.

1,641,600 more seconds to just breathe.

I don’t think anyone hates the beginning of the school year more than me. I usually sob like a baby at the thought of schedules, school clothes, homework help and kids’ sports. Rather than complain it is drawing near, I am going to focus on the fact it is still very far away. Join me now … please. Come September, you’ll want to stay as far away from me and my grumpy, complaining, stretched to the limit, bloated butt as possible!

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Author: Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.