
tips from town

The Traveler’s Workout

Take your workout with you using this no-equipment, great for small spaces workout.

Avoiding Swimmer’s Ear

With summer officially here, chances are your kids are spending more time in the water. Read here for tips on preventing Swimmer's Ear.

A Sugar By Any Other Name…

Sugar - We all love it but maybe a little too much. Learn how it's affecting your health; how much you should be eating and the various sneaky names it goes by on food labels.

Lap it Up Workout

This water workout is perfect for avid swimmers and for cross training landlubbers.

Love Your Veggies!

Are you eating enough veggies? Chances are you're not.

Becoming a Fit Mama

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be challenging for people, add in the pregnancy factor and it can be overwhelming - maybe even scary. But it doesn't have to be with these simple guidelines.

Triple Threat Torso Toner

Summer is almost here and I've got you covered with this torso trimming challenge.

Embracing Stillness

May is Meditation Month - discover your Om with these tips.

Raising Healthy Athletes

If you have young athletes in your home you will want to read these tips for injury prevention.

Taking on the Easter Bunny

I'm mad... and I'm not going to take it anymore! Just kidding. But I am frustrated with the over-commercialization of every single holiday big and small, important and obscure. This week I'm taking my stand against the Easter Bunny.


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