
tips from town

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes the best cure for what ails us is to temporarily and completely remove ourselves from everything we know. And, no, you are NOT too old to try something new.

Escape the Insanity – Even if it’s for a Few Minutes

I'm slowing things down with this week's move. Use it for a post-workout stretch or as an effective temporary escape from the chaos around you.

Use Fitness to Bond with My Kids? Are You Crazy?

I'm all about creativity for time management's sake, so what's a great way to take care of your kids, work on your fitness and make establish great habits? Work out with your kids of any age!

Beautiful Boast-Worthy Backs — How to tone your back

Love your Lats! This move of the week focuses on beautiful backs which can be one of your best assets. Don't ignore your back just because you can't see it.

Abs 101: Engage the Core

Get the 411 on the ab muscles in my first "Coffee Talk" video.

Deep Belly Burner

This deep core blaster is truly a challenge - are you up for it? There are several options to pick from.

My Favorite Hip Stretch

This is a no - nonsense stretch for the outer hips and IT bands - great for runners too.

Favorite Fitness Gadget

This is my (current) favorite fitness gadget, great for those who like to keep track and chart progress.

Coping with Jet Lag

Love to travel but hate feeling like a zombie the first few days? Read more for on dealing with Jet Lag.

Runner’s Start

An intensive lower body cardio move of the week.


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