preventative medicine
Does Tamiflu Work?
Revised for 2020 Read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Flu You or someone in your family was just diagnosed with the flu. Now what? Just like the flu shot, there is a lot of controversy about Tamiflu, and with it, lots of misinformation. Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) is an anti-viral medication, which […]Measles – a Simple Explanation
With all the news about measles and the controversy over vaccinations, it is useful to review the facts. WHAT IS IT AND HOW DO YOU GET IT? Measles (a.k.a. rubeola) is very contagious disease caused by a virus. Because it lives in the mucous in the nose and throat, it is spread in the same […]Should You Start Smoking Pot?
With the growing legalization of marijuana, should you put down your wine glass and pick up a laced brownie?Subscribe!
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