

Tammy’s Tips for a Rolling Plank

This week’s move is for all you plank pros out there. If you can hang out in a plank for more than a minute you need to up the ante with a more time efficient yet challenging modification. Again, the fitness ball adds instability, which pushes the core into overdrive to keep everything stabilized, but if you don’t like the ball […]

Tammy’s 5-Minute Total Core (Almost) Crunchless Ab Workout

No time, no energy, no likey? I've got 6 crunchless exercises you can do any time to build up your core, tone your tummy and change that keg to a 6-pack.

A Resolution You Can Keep

If fitness resolutions are difficult for you to maintain, this move of the week is for you. 30 Days of just a little more activity than you are getting now.

A Little Goes a Long Way

If you're a plank pro you must try this slight variation for maximal challenge.

Plank with Alternating 1 Arm Row

Develop a strong, sexy back while challenging your core muscles with this move of the week.