Which is Better: Gatorade or Water?
Are sports drinks a nutritional replenishment or simply the new soda? Should you pump your kids full of Gatorade so they don’t dehydrate…or are you just providing empty calories? Gatorade was produced in response to a request by the University of Florida’s football coach who was looking for a way to keep his athletes from getting dehydrated. In the hot Florida […]Is Gatorade Bad for Your Kids?
Are sports drinks a nutritional replenishment or simply the new soda? Should you pump your kids full of Gatorade so they don’t dehydrate…or are you just providing empty calories? Gatorade was produced in response to a request by the University of Florida’s football coach who was looking for a way to keep his athletes from getting dehydrated. In the hot Florida […]What Diet Is Right For You in 2021?
With the snow and sleet, January also brings a bombardment of information about the different diets which will make you thin, happy and healthy. It becomes very difficult to weed through the exaggerated claims and riveting testimonials. I support happy, and I know maintaining a healthy weight will decrease your risk of both long and […]5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat…When You’re Sick!
Feed a cold, starve a fever. Or, is it, feed a fever, starve a cold? I can never remember, so I usually just go with my taste buds and feed both. But, what should you be eating when you are sick? Chicken soup would be the top hit if I surveyed a bunch of people. Toast or […]So is the Rumor True? Is Guinness…Good for You?
Were you over served on St. Patrick’s Day? No shame in that, we only get a Saturday celebration about once every seven years (I never know how to factor leap years into that equation.) For me, one of the most difficult realities to face when I hit forty was the two day hangover. Perhaps today […]The Perfect Plate to Avoid Cravings
I am taking a class in nutrition, something I wish was taught to me in medical school. I think at the time, BMI was new, we were shown how to calculate it for like 30 seconds, and then we went onto to neuroscience. Nutrition would have been far more useful for my career in primary care, […]Can You Fight the Flu with Food?
Originally published in 2019, the information stands true … and it has never been more important to keep your family healthy than it is right now. You’ve taken your kids for their flu shots, you’ve stocked up on antibacterial soap and you’ve instructed your children to cough in their sleeve, to not share any drinks […]Natural Thirst Quenchers
It's officially summer and the temps have been high. Here are some tips to staying hydrated.Tip: Eggs Are So Much More Than Easter Decorations
Take a closer look at the incredible health benefits in the small package of an egg.Tammy’s Tips Super Bowl Food 911
If you're hosting a Super Bowl Party this year, don't bemoan the fact that there's a Velveeta shortage. Check out these healthier and tastier party food options.
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