Hey Dads, Here’s a Tip for Better Sex.
I volunteered to be class parent–which everyone calls “class mom” even though it is a gender non-specific position. The coordinators kindly sent me a list of the kids in my daughter’s class with emails in an excel spreadsheet, which is hugely helpful. The school has access to father’s emails as well as moms, but only mothers are […]Your Vagina: Use It or Lose It.
Recently a friend was at a lecture about menopause and the thing that shocked her most was VAGINAL ATROPHY. She had never heard of it before, and was horrified at the prospect. Sometimes, with all the information out there in cyber space, I am shocked at what we don’t know. I asked about a dozen other women, […]7 Keys to a Healthy, Happy Relationship
Every relationship functions differently, but there are some basic characteristics that make some relationships better than others.
Umm…You’ll Never Guess What Your Lawn Furniture Might Say About You!
Now that the weather seems to be finally turning nicer, it’s time to dust off the patio and lawn chairs, and get ready for summer. I don’t know about you, but after the unbelievable amount of rain, I know I am ready for a little sunshine. As I take my furniture out of storage wipe […]Exercises to Improve your Sex Life – Fifty Fold!
Inspired by the enormously popular book, 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James, I could not resist writing an article on sexual health focusing on types of exercises that can improve your sex life.
How to Keep Love Working For Your Health
When the fireworks are gone, you can still get the healthy high.Heather’s Story: Why I Bought My Own Ring
I met a guy on a blind date who didn’t even live in the same state as me; we got engaged 3 weeks later; AND I bought my own engagement ring. This is my story. I asked all of our editors to share their stories about how they got engaged or about the special person in their […]Trish’s Story: It All Started at the Statue of Liberty
One weekend, a few years after graduation, two of my out-of-state college friends came to New Jersey to visit. They were both recently married and brought along their husbands. We decided to spend Saturday in NYC, visiting the Statue of Liberty and then having dinner and a few beers at the South Street Seaport. I […]Jennifer’s Story
It’s not often that I tell this story from beginning to end, but I was asked to write about when I met my husband and my engagement so here it goes! I was 19 when I met my husband and had been warned not to date this notorious player. I did make an attempt to stay […]Subscribe!
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