

My Must-Have Gift for the Whole Family

Amy recently wrote a post with gift ideas for the grandparents. One of her ideas was a DNA Kit. My kids are fascinated by their genealogy. My husband is Indian and and I am a mutt (Irish, Italian, Hungarian, some German and god knows what else. Some of the family tress get a little murky when […]

Tips for Talking Around the Turkey

By Kathryn Lancioni, Founder and CEO of Presenting Perfection Most people you know look forward to Thanksgiving. For some people it is the food, for others it is the football and yet for others it is the simple break before the December holidays. But, there is one thing most people don’t look forward it—that’s the […]

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

As I was casually stalking social media today, I came across this picture that a friend used as her cover photo on Facebook. I chuckled in agreement and then thought to myself : Man, ain’t that the truth.  As a young child you base your popularity on the amount of children that attend your birthday parties.You […]

Pets: In or Out of the “Family” Bed?

There are obviously two sides to every story – and this one gets a lot of heat from both sides. Some people are so in love with their pets that they dress them up in daily outfits, take them to Pet Spas, Portrait Studios and even therapists.Then, there are those that treat their pets as animals […]

Eclipse Watching – South Shore Long Island- My Take

  OK, so I don’t know why, but normally as two teachers off on Summer vacation we would pay more attention to “Solar Eclipse 2017” heading our way. We did not. We scurried around trying desperately to find the appropriate glasses at all the 7-11’s and libraries etc. My son ransacked Target, Walmart and the […]

What Type of Back To School Parent Are You?

Back to school season always leaves me with mixed feelings. As a teacher, I look forward to going back, showering daily, settling into a routine and feeling productive. As a mom – its quite different. The hardest thing about being a teacher who has children is that you often are forced to miss their first […]

5+ Reasons to Take Your Kids to See Wonder Woman

Read why I think the movie Wonder Woman stands out from all the other superhero action flicks and why you should see it.

Bonding From Distance: A Grandparent’s Perspective

Long distance relationships are challenging for adults, so how can children develop strong bonds with Grandparents they only see a few times a year?

We Don’t Want to Leave RVC!

The other night my beau and I attended a surprise birthday party for one of my oldest and dearest friends from high school. I was very much looking forward to this event and was grateful to have a young, handsome man on my arm. The thing is, we have been Rockville Centre residents for the […]

Kaji Sushi and Lounge- Garden City’s Best Kept Sushi Secret

  Yesterday I had the pleasure of going out to dinner with two out of three of my sons. They wanted to meet me at Kaji’s in Garden City at 935 Franklin Avenue – and even though momma loathes sushi, I obliged with a smile from ear to ear. As some of you may know, […]


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