Skiing — Is it REALLY the perfect Family Trip?

We took the kids skiing last weekend and had a great time. Quality moments on the chair lift, watching the kids fall and get right back up, everyone enjoying an outdoor activity together, the apres ski — perfect, right? Well ….
While we were there, I ran into some families who ski every weekend.  One has a 14 year old who tore her MCL this season, another was at the ER the night before with their 13 year old who fractured the growth plate in her wrist. We got a call from another friend who skis in Vermont all winter. Her 12 year old son fractured his femur snowboarding through the trees. Do you know how hard it is to break a femur? And, these are kids who are experienced skiers and snowboarders.
Two years ago, when we were skiing with the kids on the same mountain, Erin Malloy-McArdle died on the mountain. A novice skier, she skied off the trail and suffered life-ending brain injury. She wasn’t wearing a helmet.

Stats show, about 35-40 people die snowboarding and skiing each year.
The risk of injury is about .2-.4% — meaning, for every 1000 skiers on a mountain, 2-4 will suffer an injury.
Soft tissue injury and joint injuries are the typical types of injuries sustained during this winter sport. The most common, in order are:
– Knee Sprains
– Wrist Fractures
– Leg Fractures
– Facial Injuries
– Shoulder Dislocations

O.K., so while we always hear of the worst injuries, a .2-.4% risk is fairly acceptable … I guess. The best part of skiing is it is SO affordable, right? Ha! Whoa. I made the mistake of adding up the numbers. I could’ve redecorated the house for what we’ve spent on the slopes.

Rentals: Kids for the season – $99-149 , for us, 3 skis, 1 snowboard = about $500
2 Adults for two days (believe it or not, we couldn’t find our stuff) = $200
Lift Tickets – Adults $72/day, 13-17 yo $65, 7-12 yo $58, Total for us = $520
Ski School for my little guys* = $400 for two days
Gear** = 1 new helmet, 2 new ski pants, 1 new jacket, 2 new gloves = about $400

For a whopping grand total (without lodging or food or wine) = $2020

*only way we could actually ski was to dump them in “ski school” a.k.a Day Care

**we embrace hand-me-downs and we still needed these items

Since this is TIPS from town, here’s my tip. Skiing is a wonderful family sport, but as my 3 year old Shane says, “It’s too slippery.” Assess the risk to your family, not only of incurring injury, but of what it means to your bank account. Take advantage of any deals and specials you can find. And, if your kids don’t love it, wait a few years before trying again. Believe me, it’s fun, but so is Monopoly.

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Author: Karen Latimer

Dr. Latimer is a Family Physician and Wellness & Parenting Coach. She works with parents who want to feel more confident when helping their children and coaches young adults to help them better navigate college life and transitions. Contact her at to learn more. She is the author of two Audible Originals, Take Back the House -- Raising Happy Parents and Worry Less, Parent Better. She is also the co-founder of the app that makes your life easier and puts social in a healthier place -- List'm.


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