The fun, frantic life of those in show business comes to life as the Ramsey High School Drama Club presents as its fall play the comedy Moon Over Buffalo. The farce, written by Ken Ludwig, will be presented on November 19, 20 and 21 in the RHS auditorium.
The fast paced comedy follows the husband and wife acting team, George and Charlotte Hay, as they struggle producing second-rate productions of classics in such way off-Broadway locations as Buffalo, NY.
Playing the married acting team are juniors Tara Lellos as Charlotte, the put upon star, and Alexander Osani as George, the philandering over-acting husband. Nicole Borbone plays the stubborn in search of love daughter, Rosalind, with Lucas Alvarez as Paul, who still loves her no matter what. Ljubinka Gallardo portrays the hard of hearing grandmother, Ethel, and Hannah Tokish is the bit actress with a large surprise. James Thumm plays the nervous weatherman Howard, and Brendan Borbone is the hopeful lawyer Richard. Completing the stage picture are Even Szucs, Brendan Jahnke, Connor Illes and Billy Sexton as the French musketeers.
The Ramsey High School Drama Club is presenting Moon Over Buffalo on November 19, 20 and 21 at 7:30 PM in the RHS auditorium. Tickets are $12.00 each, with a $10.00 price for students and senior citizens, and are available at the door nights of performance.
For additional information please call 201-785-2300.