Partner Leg Throws

Doing exercise with a partner whether friend or spouse can further inspire you to stay committed to your exercise program and keep it interesting too. This move of the week is an advanced core exercise that you can do with a partner and really targets the lower abdominals. Person A lies on her back holding onto the ankles or lower shins of Person B (for support). As Person A exhales, she engages her abdominals to lift straight legs up to Person B’s outstretched hands Make sure you use your abs to lift the legs and not you thigh or hip flexor muscles). As soon as Person A’s feet touch Person B’s hands, B pushes A’s legs back towards the floor. Person A uses her abs to CONTROL and RESIST the movement of the legs so they are not flinging back to floor. A returns legs to B and repeats for 10-15 reps. Switch partners.

NotesPerson A – Keep the lower back pressed to the ground to prevent lower back strain. Exhale as you lift your legs; inhale as you resist the lowering. Person B – Stand tall and keep abs engaged. Let A’s feet come to your hands and then gently push them back to the floor. The amount of force used will be determined by A’s abdominal strength. Partners should keep an open communication – Person A should let B know the tempo of the throws and the force. Easier: Keep your legs bent at the knees; only do one leg at a time; don’t allow the legs/feet to reach the floor before lifting the legs back up to your partner; use a slow tempo for the throws with a slight pause between each. Harder: Person B can throw the legs at a faster tempo, not allowing any rest between reps; B can use greater force to push the legs away –requiring A to use more abdominal strength and control; Person A can resist the throw all the way back to the floor before returning legs to B; Person B can change the direction of the leg throws (switching from straight to right to left – this will work the obliques).

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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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