7 Ways to Stop the Stress From Affecting Your Skin

prevention, skincare, winter, cold weather, dry skin, moisturize, aging

Edited and reposted from a few years ago … this post is a great reminder for me! Every year at this time, I start feeling like I’m picking up the green hue of the grinch, even though my spirit is at an all time high. I want the excitement and joy I feel on the inside to reflect a bit on the outside.

When I am busy and stressed, I drink less water and more caffeine and wine. I let personal maintenance slip. My eating habits go to pot. I sleep less and probably sleep worse. It doesn’t have to be bad stress, the holidays are wonderful and still anxiety-provoking.

No where is this more evident than on my skin. In December, with the lack of sunlight and the holiday chaos, I feel like I age ten years. Now, more than ever it is important to take better care of your skin. For me, more sleep and less alcohol are non-starters at this time of the year, so I will focus on the realistic steps I can take. I hope they serve as great reminders for you too!

  1. Drink more water. (Your GI system will thank you too.) I got one of these and it was a game changer. Seems so simple, but it really works.
  2. Avoid picking at sugary and salty snacks. Save these indulgences for the parties.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  4. Stick to your skin regimen, and focus specifically on steps to overcome dryness.
    • exfoliate daily
    • moisturize 2x’s day
    • for extremely dry skin, use pure vitamin E oil
    • blot wet skin with a towel, don’t rub
  5. Avoid long, hot showers — even though they sometimes serve as a hideaway
  6. Invest in a humidifier for your room. You can get an aestheically pleasing one for about $50. They aren’t just for croupy kids.
  7. Also invest in a good sunless tanner. If you can’t fix it, mask it. I loved Kiehls, but it was recently discontinued. Back when I first wrote this, I bought St. Tropez Self Tan Classic, because all the women at Blue Mercury recommended it to me and they look fabulous. Now, my daughters turned me on to Tan Luxe drops, and I really love the natural effect and how they gradually give you a glow. You just have to remember to use it every few days, but it is simple and lasts a long time.

Lastly, remember to smile! When it comes to making you look and feel more attractive, there is no comparison.



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Author: Karen Latimer

Dr. Latimer is a Family Physician and Wellness & Parenting Coach. She works with parents who want to feel more confident when helping their children and coaches young adults to help them better navigate college life and transitions. Contact her at drkarenlatimer@gmail.com to learn more. She is the author of two Audible Originals, Take Back the House -- Raising Happy Parents and Worry Less, Parent Better. She is also the co-founder of the app that makes your life easier and puts social in a healthier place -- List'm.