Master Math Facts With These Apps

To master basic math facts is a skill every child needs at some point in their schooling. Next time they are bored, give them one of these teacher recommended math apps.

Splash Math – Fun games and rewards keep children engaged, making them practice more. Splash Math is an award winning math program used by more than 4 million kids for fun math practice.

Flash to Pass – FlashToPass is a free, easy-to-use, elegant program designed to facilitate mastering the basic math facts learned in Elementary School.

My Math App – My Math Flash Card App is for mastering basic elementary math facts. Its an easy to use and customizable application to enable focused learning.

Fast Facts X – This is a simple math facts app. It was created by a Third Grade Teacher with a post graduate degree in Curriculum and Instruction.

Mad Math – Mad Math presents flashcards for learning basic math skills, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Multiple users can be added and parents or teachers can sign up for email parent reports.

Math Bug – Math Bug teaches kids to count, add and subtract. It has fun and entertaining animations to keep your child focused as they learn. Click on the right answer, and the bird drops the apple to feed the “math bug”.

SAS Math Stretch – SAS Math Stretch promotes the concept of numeracy, the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical concepts. This approach improves basic math skills, which has been linked to higher performance on standardized math tests by high school seniors.

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Author: erinpruitt

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