Make Your Dull Place Into a Soul Space

In the book, SoulSpace: Transform Your Home, Transform Your Life, the interior designer created an eight-stage SoulSpace process to help create homes that reflect and celebrate what is essential about their inhabitants. The process works for any budget, anytime, anywhere and results in inspiration, self-discovery, and practical solutions. You will explore not only the design of your abode but also your own interior: how you think, feel, and sense the world. Empowered with this self-knowledge, you will discover fresh ways to declutter, refresh, and enhance your living space.

Here is a summary of the stages:

  1. Assess – Take an inventory to determine what’s in the space that you love, and what’s just taking up space.
  2. Release – Separate what to keep from what to sell, donate, give to friends, recycle or toss.
  3. Cleanse – Tend to necessary repairs, clean your environment, literally with a vacuum and sponge.
  4. Dream – Who are you now and who do you want to become? Find images that make your spirit soar.
  5. Discover – Bring those dreams to life by finding objects that express your true self.
  6. Create – Even minor changes can make a big difference: painting a room, hanging a new light fixture, rearranging the furniture, moving your desk.
  7. Elevate – Bring in uplifting elements: flowers, music, and scents.
  8. Celebrate — Invite people over to share your home’s transformation.
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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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