List’m: The App to Simplify Your Life

Make your life so much easier with this free app.
Have you ever had an idea for an app or a website or a product? Most people have, even if it is just a general inkling that there should be a better way to do something. You find yourself in need of a gadget or a gizmo, and you think, “Someone must’ve already done this.” And, you look it up. Very often, you’re right and the idea has been done, but other times you google and you search, and you realize, as obvious as the concept seems, no one has created it … yet.
Then comes the hard part. Implementation. This is where most great ideas die. This is where a lot of my own ideas have, sadly, met an untimely death. Not this time!! This time, I did it, and I am extremely excited to share my idea brought to life with everyone.
Download list’m on the app store for ios and the next time you want to remember or share something, not only will it be more simple to capture the information, you’ll know exactly where to find it when you need it. It is free!
This app has absolutely made my life easier … and we ALL need easier, especially at this time of year. Consider these topics that you could save lists for, and if they resonate, download list’m.
Here are some of my lists that I save on List’m:
• To-do lists
• Family Movies
• Bingeworthy TV
• Books to Read
• Wine for entertaining
• Easy dinner recipes
• Restaurants in town
• Best restaurants for big groups
• Where to Eat in NYC
• Podcasts
• Paint colors
• Home Maitenance
• Babysitters
• Holiday wishlist
• My Kids Funny Sayings
• Packing list for vacation
There is just too much to remember!
Clear your head and your phone with list’m!
FEELING OVERWHELMED THESE DAYS? Me too! These Posts are Helpful!
4 Simple Ways to Get Organized
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