Has anyone else binged on the final season of the Netflix show Bloodline?

Perhaps it’s because I just returned from Hawaii; my body clock messed up…. my eyes are heavy. Or maybe I’m not as bright as I thought I was! But man, I had a really hard time following those last few episodes!

IN SEASONS ONE AND TWO, I was captivated. This season I found myself easily distracted. Which ultimately lead to total confusion. And then finally, abandonment by my husband, who less than halfway through the second to last episode, completely gave up.  Help a binger out and explain if you were able to make heads or tails out of that episode. Groundhog Day came to mind…..what’s real, what’s not?

Part of me thinks I should re-watch the third season, placing my phone and laptop in the other room, with no temptation for distraction. But alas, I know that I won’t. Because I’ve already moved on to House of Cards.

And let’s face it, we never get the ending we hope for on a show we fell so hard for in season one…….


If your kids play sports, this is worth the read.

Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Probably.
Black Tap is All That.

 The Low-Cal Martini–It Does Exist!


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