Gift Ideas for Fitness Enthusiasts

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Not sure what to get your fitness junkie for the Holidays? Here are some suggestions:



Inspiration – from delicate jewelry to dog tags and shoe tags , you can find almost anything fitness related in jewelry form these days.


sweaty Betty

Yoga – honor your yogi with more jewelry and accessories to symbolize everything form health, love, peace, protection and happiness. How about an eco friendly yoga mat or a wrap for getting to and from the studio.




Swimmer – what swimmer wouldn’t want a waterproof ipod shuffle to help make all those laps go by faster.

Gym Rats – provide them with all their Post workout toiletry essentials: travel size shampoo and conditioner or dry shampoo, cleansing towelets, a superabsorbent towel, soaps and lotions, hair bands, ties, chapstick, lip gloss and don’t forget a cute case to carry it.

On the Go – provide your busy athlete with healthy snacks like their favorite protein and a portable shaker, Lara bars, coconut water, snack size raw nuts or organic trail mix or dried fruit.

gifts for fitness enthusiastsHome Gym Enthusiast – go beyond dumbbells and think unique fitness gear – Equalizers, a BOSU sport, foam roller,and one of my all time faves a TRX.

Fit Techie – consider gadgets like calorie counters, nike fuel bands, jaw up, polar and fit bit.

When in Doubt – gift card it out – massage, clothing, gear, personal training sessions or fitness classes.

On a final note – a word to the wise, make sure the giftee will appreciate these fitness themed presents or they may be “taken the wrong way”.


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Author: tammyjuco

Motivating and assisting you and your family to a healthier and happier lifestyle.


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