Feeling Gray? Where to Get an Emergency Hair Kit in Town.

Feeling gray? Roots starting to show?Glaze Salon is Offering an Emergency Hair Color Kit to all their clients! Kathy Korab, co-owner of Glaze Salon, will personally mix the specific color formula for you after consulting with your usual hair care specialist at Glaze. Each kit contains enough color to cover the most visible areas, gloves and a brush. The cost is $30.00 per kit

To Order: Call Kathy Korab in advance on her cell phone: 732-829-6292. Delivery: Glaze will arrange delivery of the kit(s) upon order.

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Author: Heather Zachariah

Former Art Director for Home Magazine, Heather Leahy Zachariah, left her career in publishing after baby number number one. She now works from home as a freelance graphic designer and a chauffeur to her 3 busy kids. "Working on TipsFromTown has been a wonderful outlet for me. It renewed my love of publishing where I can design colorful, enticing pages online and allows me to share the things I love about being a mom." Heather grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio, a place that still is near and dear to her. " After living in Brooklyn for 18 years and studying Graphic Design at Pratt Institute, she now lives in the Jersey burbs. "I love living so close to NYC, but in my heart, I'm an Ohio girl."


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