Does Your Child Suffer From Anxiety And Stress?

Teen boyvalley doctorYoung children, tween and teens often struggle with anxiety and stress. While some amount of anxiety is normal and can even be motivating, anxiety that’s too strong or happens a lot can become overwhelming. It can interfere with a child’s ability to get things done and, in severe cases can start taking over the good and enjoyable parts of life.

Do you have an anxious child? Does he or she show excessive fear, nervousness or shyness and even avoid certain places and activities? If you have questions about anxiety or stress in children, tweens or teens, here’s your chance to ask an expert! Kai-Ping Wang, M.D., Medical Director of Pediatric Psychiatry, Valley Medical Group, is taking questions about anxiety in children and teens all week on Facebook.  Join the conversation!

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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