Do You Hate Security Lines At The Airport? If So, You Need One Of These!

Do you fly

The TSA pre check pass.

If you travel by air within the U.S., this is a must have. My husband went through the process because he travels for business quite often and this makes your time at the airport far more efficient.

You apply online to the Transportation Security Administration, fill out basic questions and then make an appointment at the closest facility. You will get fingerprinted and show them your passport. You register your pre approved number with your frequent flyer number of the airline you are flying. Most major airports have a pre approved TSA line at security. You usually have no line and don’t have to take off your shoes and belt.

I really needed to get them for my children and me. On the rare occasion when we fly together, I don’t want to be stuck at the end of the line with all the kids, while my husband is having a drink at the bar. Plus, my husband likes to cut it close when arriving at the airport. I would go two hours early just to be on the safe side but that is not how he rolls. Children under 12 can proceed through the TSA pre check line with their parent, if the parent has one. You pay $85 a person and they are good for five years. I highly recommend it, if you travel by air.

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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