Date Night, Girls Only

by Jennifer Koliatsis

feet up in hammockJenniferKoliatsisHaving two teenagers whose days are filled with sports, after-school clubs, work and hopefully a little studying squeezed in, quality time time seems to have inadvertently shifted to last place.  While I don’t plan on eliminating my kids’ activities, I have realized the importance of etching out time each month for some bonding.  Getting my 17 year old daughter off of her phone is typically a challenge, but I have found the one thing that is better than snapchat….Happy Feet!  Not the movie, the foot spa.  

Happy Feet Relax Center of Massapequa can change your entire day.  Your experience starts immediately as you enter a dark room lined with massive lounge chairs for your relaxation.  The soft music and the hushed voices immediately puts you at ease.  For just $28.00 you get an amazing, hour long foot and leg massage.  For one hour my daughter and I were able to unwind and after a long day of work and school. We then felt invigorated to keep going.  We followed up our date night with a dinner at Friendly’s, which took us both back to her childhood.  Of course what better way to end our date, but with some of Friendly’s delicious ice cream.  

Jennifer’s 4 Tips for Mother Daughter Date Night:

  • Leave the phones in your bags!  Emergencies only.
  • Choose something fun that you both will enjoy.  You’re daughter will be happy that you’re taking the time out to be with her, so don’t feel pressure to pick the “perfect” activity.
  • Don’t use this time to bring up her shortcomings like the bad grade she got on her test or the fact that she’s on her phone too much.  Set a happy tone with light conversation and she will open up on her own.
  • Always end your date with some ice cream!
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