Congrats to Summit’s National Merit Scholars
Greg Elliott
At the Board of Ed Meeting on January 19, the students paid tribute to a district staff member who had inspired/influenced them during their Summit educational experience. The following presented their honored guests with a special book and personal inscription:
Laura Baldacchino presented Mr. Gary Burns with 1984.
Rachel Blume presented Ms. Wendy Donat with Nuremburg Diary.
Pilar Canavosio presented Mrs. Aurora Hermo with My Brilliant Friend.
Matthew Colon presented Mrs. Jodi Friedman with The Geography of Genius.
Savannah Dooley presented Mr. Donald Tobey with The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus.
Sabrina Fleicshman presented Ms. Loreli Stochaj with The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt.
William Freeman presented Mrs. Elizabeth Buettner with Infinite Jest.
Brandon Gomes presented Mr. Jeremy Morman with The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life of Paul Dirac, Mystic of the Atom.
Matthew Grange presented Mr. Brian Weinfeld with The Last Lecture.
Alexis Greenblatt presented Mr. Randy Wallock with The Pocket Book of Happiness.
Christopher Heckelman presented Mr. Neal Sharma with The Pearl.
Andrew Hollenbaugh presented Mr. John Kratch with American Ulysses: A Life of Ulysses S. Grant.
Jack Johnson presented Ms. Karen Manista with The Last Lecture.
Brandon Johnston presented Ms. Cindy Vitale with The Sixth Extinction.
Ethan Kantor presented Mrs. Andrea Laquerre with Undaunted Courage.
Christopher Kelser presented Dr. Benjamin Greene with The History of Jazz.
Katie Kusmin presented Mrs. Elizabeth Mongno with Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension.
Kiera Little presented Mrs. Barbara Slezak with Mrs. Frisbee and the Rats of Nimh.
Finn Mc Ternan presented Ms. Christine Stelmach with Finn McCool.
Maxwell Model presented Mr. Isaac Welsh with Eleven Rings.
David Naiman presented Mrs. Nicole Terhune with The Sixth Extinction.
Delaney O’Dowd presented Mrs. Laura Schaffer with Killing Lincoln.
Emma Osborne presented Mrs. Karen Cotter with Rise of the Rocket Girls.
Alina Patrick presented Mr. Ethan Feinsod with No Matter the Wreckage.
Diego Pinzon presented Mr. Alex Bocchino with Music and Laking of Modern Science.
Christopher Ripsam-Walsh presented Ms. Lili Arkin with The Color Purple.
Katherine Scheer presented Mrs. Danielle Dees with Wild.
Kunal Sengupta presented Mrs. Barbara Vierschilling with Absolutely On Music.
Elina Turner prsented Mrs. Monika Bartlett with Anderson’s Fairy Tales.
Matt Wilson presented Mrs. Anne Poyner with Hamilton: The Revolution.
Although they could not be in attendance, the following were also recognized:
Sean Crotty, who selected Way of the Peaceful Warrior for Ms. Irina Itriyeva.
Yannick Nandury, who selected Oh, The Places You’ll Go for Mr. William O’Regan.
Will Schaffer, who selected Think Like a Pancreas for Ms. Jean Fay.
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