Color Runs

f you’re looking for a fun and colorful 5k experience, try the Color Run or Color Me Rad. They are fun runs (The Color Run is known for being the “Happiest Run on The Planet”) and they are coming to New York, New Jersey and the rest of the country this summer. Participants start this 5k fun run super clean wearing all white and by the time they reach the finish line they are coated in rainbow color from head-to-toe. The organizers throw a corn starch powder that’s been enhanced with a food coloring agent at you.

These runs are different than any other runs because they are non-competitive. Usually it’s all about your time and competing with others and yourself. This is all about having fun, getting some exercise and becoming colorfully tie-dyed. Not a typical 5k. If you can’t stand people who walk a 5K, this isn’t for you. But events like these remind us how important it is to incorporate fun into our daily lives. The race makes running, a sometimes dreaded activity, less about speed and more about enjoying a color-crazy day with your friends and family. And remember: whatever you wear will be stained forever.

color runs

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Author: erinpruitt

I believe the best stuff is passed along. I will be sharing insider "tips" for your home, and fun ideas for your free time.


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