Gifts for the Health Enthusiast on Your List

Here are a few of the great gift ideas out there for the fitness fanatics to the healthy hopefuls; great for someone just starting out to the seasoned exercise veteran.

Why Women Don’t Want to Have Sex

Where has your sexual desire gone? So many women suffer from lack of sexual desire. Why? What can you do about it?

VIDEO: Fight the Flu with Food

Fight the flu and other viruses with a trip to the food store. No, I don't always get this dressed up to do the food shopping!!

Check Out These Latest Fitness and Health Apps

Re-invigorate your fitness and health regimes with these apps.

What Do You Think of the Nurse in Maine?

I think it is very clear this is less a matter of human rights, and more a matter of someone trying to milk her 15 minutes of fame.

Drink Hot Chocolate, Remember More??

Do you feel like you are starting to lose your memory?? Me too! A recent study out of Columbia demonstrates the flavanols found in cocoa beans can help, but don't invest in Hershey just yet.

27 Fitness and Health Hacks

Busy days leave us wishing for more hours, more time and constantly in search of easier, more efficient methods to get it all done. The same can apply to your health and fitness, which just happens to be one area that often gets left behind because of this busy-ness. So to make your life easier and […]

Ebola — It is Here. Now What?

This is a serious topic. I've narrowed down what you need to know about the Ebola virus now that it is so close to home.


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