Cheers to Your Health (with Beer)!

From cooking and baking to knocking back a cold one on a hot day, all the options for enjoying your ales without too much guilt.

Despicable DOMS – A Love/Hate Relationship

If the sight of the toilet a few days after a workout evokes feelings of dread, you know DOMS.

From Keg to 6-Pack

Get rid of that beer-belly with the help of this abdominal exercise.

Simple “Tuscan” Kale Salad

Just a few ingredients go into this healthy and delicious salad

Tim’s Keg Haulers

This "functional" exercise is highly effective for those times when you need to haul kegs of beer, boxes, kids or anything heavy - oh, and it's great for the butt too.

There Will Be No Tricks With These Halloween Treats-Even Parents Will Love Them

Think outside of the box with these Halloween "treats".

Beware of Molly – She’s Not a Friend

Our teens and young adults are being inundated with designer drugs these days. As parents, we need to be in the know.

Free Workout – Equipment Optional

Gym Memberships can be costly, drop in fitness classes can run anywhere from $15- $65, so what can you do if you're not rolling in the moola but want to get your sweat on? I'm offering (a new) FREE workout post PLUS providing you the formula and tools needed to create more of your own workouts.


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