Pinching Pennies – A Tip for Saving for Vacation

Get the kids involved. Saving loose change for vacation really pays off!

Karen Takes on Italy … and wins!

Taking kids to a foreign country can be overwhelming. But, I learned there are ways to do it right.

Sightseeing … from a kid’s perspective

A kid's take on a trip to Rome ... not exactly what I was hoping for!

If the kids are home, am I technically drinking alone?

While I wish I were strong enough to make a sober go at this mothering thing, I'm not a superhero. How long do you have to wait before you can pop the cork?

Should Your Son Get the HPV Vaccine?

I will never forgive Michael Douglas for tarnishing my image of oral sex. But, he did contribute to awareness about HPV.

Help for Those ‘In the Middle’

It's not easy to be in the middle of children and aging parents that all need you.

Special Touches Cost Next to Nothing

I love other people's birthdays. I especially love my kids' birthdays. But to go all out for each of them, would put me in the poor house. There are ways, other than spending a fortune, to make your little one feel like royalty.

This Teen Athlete Wants to Protect YOUR Child

Teens today often get a bad rap. I am so delighted to share this post about a high school athlete who took her own misfortune and is trying to turn it into something great.