Do you spend more money on your kids’ clothes than you do on your own?

The selflessness of motherhood comes through in many ways, some good for us and for our families, and some unnecessary and ultimately damaging.

Getting Into College … Tip 1 (it isn’t too early to start this one)

A college tip you should here sooner, rather than later.

I Believe: The College Essay Meets Bull Durham

Our expert, a College Application Advisor, unlocks the secret to a college essay that's authentic and memorable.

Feeling Fallish? Check Out Our List of Pumpkin Patches, Hayrides and Tons of Other Autumn Activities

Fall fairs, pumpkin patches and pick-your-own apples are just a few of the autumn activities in our area.

Your Child Has a Tic — Should you be worried?

When you child starts making that funny face, is it something to ignore or something to address?

Zoning — the solution to getting my kids to help out

I gave in and tried a parenting favorite for the first time, added my own twist and the kids finally pulled their own weight.

Eight Reasons Seniors Should Be Socially Engaged

Experts on aging have long suspected that socialization improves physical and emotional well-being, increases mental alertness and encourages a more active lifestyle.

The Two Most Important Anti-aging Routines

When time and money are limited, there are only two skin care routines you should not abandon.