Barefoot Beach Bootcamp
The beach is a perfect fitness playground. With the different types of sand (sinky soft to firm), the resistance of working against water, the waves and the inspiration of being outdoors, the beach is has everything you could possibly need for a full body bootcamp. So while you’re are cramming in as many beach days as you can before summer ends, why not give this workout a try?
Warmup: 3-5 minutes brisk walking/jogging in soft sand (soft enough that your feet sink)
20 Walking Lunges in knee-deep water
20 Split Jumps in thigh/waist deep water
Repeat both
15 pushups in sand
30-45” Right Side Plank in calf deep water (ie parallel to shoreline so waves hit your back –don’t let them push you over!)
Repeat both this time left side plank
2X Sand Sprints – start on your stomach, jump up and SPRINT as fast as you can 25 feet and army crawl back (forearms and inside of knees/thighs – hips and chest stay low to ground)
15 Squats; hold 15 counts
30” Side Shuffle 4 Right, 4 Left in calf deep water
10 Burpees with a pushup in sand
20 Jacks in shoulder deep water (arms only go up to shoulder height)
Repeat all
2x Sand Sprints
15 Single Leg Squats in calf deep water (keep free foot OUT of water)
30” High knees in calf deep water – lift feet out of water
Repeat both with other leg
20 Plank Jacks – hands on shore, waist, legs and feet in water
10 Tuck Jumps in thigh/waist deep water
25 Decline Crunch on shore (head closer to water, feet higher up this uses gravity to make it harder)
25 Incline Lower Abs – lift hips off the ground (head away from water, feet closer to water) – more advanced- drop straight legs into water and lift them with abs against the resistance of the water
25 Bicycle Abs
1’ Front Plank