

Fashion Editor -- Karin has a passion for helping you look and feel better!

Posts By This Author

What’s New Jimmy Choo?

Fabulous shoes for holiday parties.

M.A.C. Fabulousness!

Glam it up this holiday season!

Winter Thrills…

The best defense against dropping temps? Modern coats, rugged boots and vivid accessories that protect us from the elements... without sacrificing style, of course!

No ‘Zit’ Sherlock…

Do you want to know how to get rid of a zit, virtually overnight?

Aggravated By Ingrown Hairs?

Finally, a serum to get rid of ingrown hairs AND it actually works.

Sophisticated New Shades Inspired by Bond… James Bond

Would you like nails just like the Bond girls?

Do You Have 50 Shades Of Unwanted Grey’s?

There is nothing worse than when your next hair color appointment is a week away but your grey hair is showing like highlights we actually want.  Here's how to get through that last week looking totally "grey free!"

Too Old… or Scared to Wear Skinny Jeans?

Two of my good friends- both with amazing bodies- have recently told me they are afraid to wear skinny jeans.  One said she is "too old," (please! She is yet to have her 40th birthday) and the other said she is afraid of "looking like a prostitute" (I love her to death, but I'm not sure she could look like a prostitute even if she tried... which is a good thing.)  Both of them will look amazing in skinny's but they say they are just not sure how to wear them.    It is absoultelty NOT a fashion faux pas to wear skinny jeans after 40, you just want to do it the right way.

Fear of Waxing? Fear No More…

A brazilian wax could be one of the most masochistic services a woman can pay good money for, but yet there we are, every three weeks, laying on a table pantie-less waiting to be tortured.  Well, torture no more... After doing about a billion brazilians, the wax specialists at the European Wax Center have mastered all sorts of techniques to minimize the "ouch" factor.

Not All Brushes Are Created Equal…

The king of all hair brushes, Mason Pearson has a lengthy history in brush making, incorporating the company's original 1885 design into today's handmade creations.  Developed and patented more than 100 years ago, Mason Pearson's hair brush is the ultimate grooming tool.  Only the finest, premium-grade boar bristle, which is gentle to the hair and scalp, is used.


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