Green thumb? Get your own plot at the community garden!

Did you know that Summit has an organic community garden where you can grow your own produce?

Summit’s ACHIEVE Community Garden, made possible by a collaboration of the Summit YMCA and Overlook Hospital, opened in 2013 and is currently accepting applications for 44 available family plots.

The garden, on Beauvoir Avenue,  received a donation of land from Overlook Hospital and a grant from Action Communities for Health, Innovation & Environmental Change (ACHIEVE.)   ACHIEVE is a program sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, and they help communities create local gardens to encourage healthier lifestyles.

The garden has of 40+ raised plots that are 4×12 feet, as well as water, hoses and nearly everything you need to become your own organic suburban farmer.  Gardeners are required to attend an initial planning meeting in March, as well as provide a few hours for general maintenance for the overall garden.

You need to act quickly! Applications are due February 24 and can be found here.  Plots are available for $75 and 1/3 of the plots are reserved for lower income residents at a reduced fee.  For complete information and details go to

Summit Community Garden Calendar

2.24.17 | 2016 Applications Due
Get your application in to the Summit YMCA Offices!

3.30.17 | 7:30pm | Garden Meeting
Orginizational Meeting, located at the Summit YMCA.

4.1.17 | 9:30am | Garden Meeting | 10:00am | Garden Workday
Meeting, located at the garden, followed by getting the garden ready for planting by cleaning up topping off beds.




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Author: Patricia Cassin