Parent of a teenager? Don’t miss this important talk at SHS

Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 11.16.08 AMOn Tuesday, February 7 at 7:00PM Katie Koestner will be at Summit High School discussing a sensitive and important topic every parent of a teenager – boy or girl – needs to know about.

Katie Koestner was a freshman at William and Mary enjoying her first few weeks of college. One night, she went out on a date with a boy she knew and trusted. The date ended with Katie being raped in her dorm room and in the following months and years her life changed forever. In June of 1991 she was the cover story of TIME magazine and became the face of this new thing called “Date Rape.”

Katie Koestner has dedicated her life to educating and bringing awareness to students and parents about campus safety and college sexual assault. Koestner has appeared on many media outlets. She has also assisted the US Department of Education in developing and providing programs to women. Her testimony on Capitol Hill was instrumental in the passage of federal student safety legislation. To date, Koestner has spoken to more than 3000 schools across the nation on student safety issues.

Katie Koestner will be presenting to Summit High School juniors and seniors on February 7 during the school day. Then, that evening at 7:00PM, she will present to parents at the high school. Her presentation will discuss her personal experience with date rape and will cover a variety of topics surrounding the transition from high school to college. She will provide helpful strategies in keeping safe while away at college.

For more information on the talk click here. For more info on Katie and her very important story read this New York Times article.

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Author: Patricia Cassin


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