The Best Gifts For Teens/Tweens-You Must Order Today

hoverboardI did my research on the hoverboard (Self balancing 2 wheeled board) and the 10 inch wheels are more stable for outside riding. If you are planning to ride it inside then the 6.5 inch wheels are fine. You can’t buy the 10 inch wheels anywhere in the U.S. I ordered this one from Amazon and it ships directly from China. It arrived in just over 2 weeks. With the holidays coming up, I am sure their orders are increasing and you will need time for a longer shipping period. Today the price has dropped from $546 to $399. I would order it immediately to get this price.

My other favorite gift is the Sangean H202 AM/FM Weather, digital tuned/shower radio with blue tooth. It is selling for $80.07. I bought these for my kids last year(they use them all the time) and I just bought one for myself because I love it so much. I wrote these up last year and they sold out before Christmas.

For older or younger kids this was another hit last Christmas with my family. I just bought the smaller version for six year old boys. So depending on how old your kids are you can order accordingly. Razor electric scooters start at $99 and move up from there. The large one can take up to 200 pounds. My teenagers ride it everywhere.

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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