Wall Sit

This isometric (non- moving) exercise is a different yet effective way for working the calf, hamstring, quadricep, glute and core muscles.

Stand against a wall with feet hip width apart, toes pointing forward.  Walk your feet out as you slide your torso down the wall, stopping when your knees are at about 90°. Make sure your knees are over your feet and not sticking out past your toes. Adjust your feet accordingly. Keep your head up and engage the abdominal muscles to press your lower back and shoulders into the wall. Press through your heels to engage the muscles in the back of the legs and glutes.

Aim to hold this Wall Sit 2-3x for 20-30 seconds OR until the leg muscles feel fatigued (if you do not have a watch)

Modification: If this is difficult – do not come down as low on the wall and/or hold for a shorter duration. For moral support you can do this with a friend, as shown in the photo.

To progress:   Extend the time up to 1 minute per rep and

Hold weights in your hands

Support your weight on one leg only (make sure your hips stay level)

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Author: amynidds

Amy loves to help you find the best deals out there or something she thinks you just have to have! Content and Finds Editor


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