6 Steps to Curing a Whiny Child

Who doesn’t hear whining sometimes? No one wants to deal with it day in and day out though. FamilyEducation.com had a great piece on ending those tears once and for all. Here’s an excerpt:

1. Pay Attention…Many times, a child whines because he knows it will get a reaction. Take the first step and make it a point to ask your child his thoughts and opinions.

2. Address the Issue…Believe it or not, whining becomes less of a tactic and more of a habit as your child gets older. When your child begins to whine, call attention to it as she might not even realize she is doing it. If your child is younger, simply ask, “How do you ask nicely?” Reminding her of this will help get her out of the bad habit of always whining when she wants something.

3. Take a Deep Breath…It can be hard to keep your patience when you have a whining child on your hands, but losing your cool may only exacerbate the situation. Before you fly off the handle, take a deep breath and remind yourself that your child is likely whining because he needs your help.

4. Be a Role Model…Listen to yourself the next time you are talking to your spouse or on the phone to a friend. Are you whining? Children take their behavioral cues from you, so if your child hears you whining, he’s likely to do the same. Chances are you might not even realize you are doing it.

5. Be Firm…Whether you have a young child or a teen, she needs to learn that whining will not help her get what she wants.

6. Give Positive Reinforcement…When your child talks politely or pleasantly, take notice, and respond. Saying, “I like the way you used your manners” will show your child that her efforts don’t go unappreciated and that she doesn’t have to resort to whining to get what she needs.

Check out www.FamilyEducation.com for more information and good luck!

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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.


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