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The Gift of Knowing Your Child’s Love Language

  7 1/2 minute listen: I’m writing this the day before Valentine’s Day, so of course it makes sense to talk about love. We all parent differently, as we should, because we are all different people parenting wonderfully different children. The thing we all have in common is how much we love our kids. With the […]

Anxiety Hack for Your Kids: Open a Window

  8 MINUTE LISTEN I think a lot about how much we have complicated life, how with all of our modern advances designed to make life easer, we have unwittingly created a world of chaos. While I am very grateful for all that makes our world safer and more pleasant than it was in the […]

Eating to Boost Your Immune System

Coming off of the pandemic, we were all hoping for a healthy few years, but it seems like everyone has the flu, strep, mono or some “unnamed virus” right now. You’ve taken your kids for their flu shots, you’ve stocked up on antibacterial soap and you’ve instructed your children to cough in their sleeve, to […]

Part 2: Four Strategies to Help Our Kids Rethink “Purpose”

(11 minute listen) (Click here to read or hear Part 1: 8 minute listen)   Last week, I raised the possibility that the way we are encouraging our kids is toxic to their mental health. Even if you are the most self-aware, laid back parent, your kids are still getting lots of messaging from the outside that could be […]

Part 1: Maybe It Is Time to Rethink “Purpose” … for Our Kids’ Sake

  8 minute listen: I’ve been thinking a lot about purpose, this hard to define, yet critical component to life, that is widely hailed as the solution. Bored? Find some purpose. Depressed? Find some purpose. Underachieving? Find some purpose. We use it in company mission statements the same way we use it in soul searching […]

5 Quick Tips to Feel Better This Holiday Season

  1. Just breathe. This simple thing is one of the best and quickest ways to feel good. Do it now. Breathe in for 5 and out for 5. Repeat. It brings immediate calm, it is free and it won’t give you a hangover. 2. Look for the glimmers. With all the triggers during the […]

One of My Worst Parenting Moments

I’ve forgotten to pack my kids a lunch. I’ve given them a “snack lunch” which basically means there is nothing in the house, so you’ll be getting a bag of mishmosh. I’ve really stretched the definition of lunch to include things like bread with butter and cold pizza. But, this is the first time I […]

5 Ways to Be Kinder to Your Memory

I get asked about memory problems very often. Friends, family, patients, clients all want to be reassured that the thing they forgot is not a sign of a much bigger problem. As soon as we misplace our car keys, wonder why we walked into a certain room, or struggle to recall a name, our catastrophic tendencies […]
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