Why Breast Feeding is a Team Sport – from an expert

IT IS BREASTFEEDING AWARENESS WEEK! The experts at The Savvy Parent, a Summit based business tell us more …

World Breastfeeding Awareness is August 1-7, 2014.  In its 21st year, the goal of the breastfeeding community is to support the concept that breastfeeding IS a winning goal for life.

The benefit of breastfeeding to mothers is highly regarded.  Studies show that breastfeeding reduces post-partum bleeding, reduces risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and obesity. Breast milk has an abundant supply of essential antibodies and nutrients for babies.  It boosts the baby’s immune system.  In addition, the benefits to baby include reduced risk of SIDS, ear infections, pneumonias, and obesity.

Making the decision to breastfeed is not an easy one. It will take a commitment from mother, her partner, her extended family and her workplace. Ultimately, mother and baby need a team! Her team’s role is to support her decision, increase her confidence, offer reassurance, and protect her rights.

Getting off to a great start is the key to success. Here are three ways to achieve that.

What Moms Can Do

  • Get educated: Prior to delivery you and your partner should attend a breastfeeding class and learn the facts.
  • Choose a “Baby Friendly” Hospital and Breastfeeding Friendly pediatrician
  • After delivery if possible spend the first 90 minutes with baby “skin to skin”
  • Get Rest!
  • Get Help – Don’t be afraid to ask

What Dad / Partner Can Do

  • Get Educated – All Partners should attend a breastfeeding education class and learn the facts
  • Help reduce stress at home once mother and baby are home
  • Help burp, change, and bathe the baby
  • Give lots of skin to skin time with your newborn baby

What Grandparents Can Do

  • Support your child’s decision to breastfeed even if you didn’t
  • Encourage your child to seek help if she is having trouble
  • Offer to bring a meal, grocery shop,  and/ or take care of older siblings
  • Encourage mom to get REST


Thank you to our contributor:

The Savvy Parent is a local business dedicated to educating new and expectant parents on the developmental, social, safety and nutritional needs of their infants and toddlers. Check out their website to see class offerings and information about private consults.

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Author: Karen Latimer

Karen is a Family Doctor, mom of five and founder of Tips From Town.


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