Who Says You Need Fancy Equipment to be Fit?
I was recently surfing through some of our fitness editor, Tammy Juco’s, posts on fitness looking for something quick and effective that I could do at home and came across her post about Body Weight Exercises. Tammy discovered Greatist‘s comprehensive list of 200+ bodyweight exercises. It gives you an endless combination of exercises that will keep me going for months to come–no gym necessary! I love that you don’t need fancy equipment to get an effective work up and a good sweat.

Slider Pushup
The exercises are demonstrated with a thorough video. There are menus where you can shoos everything from target muscle groups to level of difficulty. You can target the upper body, lower body or give one of their extra difficult exercises a shot. Some of the craziest fall under “playground” like “the Human Flag,” which is like a plank–but holding yourself parallel to the ground by your hands!!! Ok, I’m not there yet! But will keep you posted!

The Human Flag–let me know if you master this one!

Another cool one–Uchi Mata Push Up