What’s Happening in Town

Here is what is happening in Chatham/Madison area:
What’s Happening is compiled by: Marietta Iacouzzi
Email us with your upcoming events

Farmers Market

Madison Farmer’s Market 
Central Avenue (between Main Street and Cook Avenue), Madison 
Through October 13
Madison Farmer’s Market is returning for the Spring/Summer/Fall season.  Stay tuned for new vendor information.  Live music will be on hand weekly.  Check https://www.facebook.com/ChathamMadisonTipsFromTown/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel for additional weekly updates.


Florham Park Gazebo FREE Sunday concert summer series
Borough Hall Complex, 111 Ridgedale Avenue, Florham Park 

Now through Sunday, July 31
The Gazebo Committee in ‪Florham Park will kick off their 36th year on Sunday, June 12th at 7:00pm featuring Jersey Four, a Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons tribute band. All concerts are FREE and will begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Gazebo on the Great Lawn of the Municipal Complex.
http://www.florhamparkboro.net/documents/2016GazeboConcertSchedule.pdf for complete 2016 schedule

Concert 2

Downtown Madison Summer Concert Series
Museum of Early Trades & Crafts Museum, 9 Main Street, Madison
6:00PM to 8:00PM
The FrostKings Band open the Museum of Early Trades & Crafts Downtown Concert Series on Friday, June 24, 6-8:00 pm, sponsored by the Madison Downtown Development Commission. These family-friendly concerts held on METC’s front lawn are free to the public and picnicking is encouraged.
Rain or Shine: In case of inclement weather concerts will be held inside the Museum with first-come first-serve seating.

Morris Museum

Danny Bacher Sings and Plays Louis Prima, Louis Jordan, and Louis Armstrong
The Bickford Theatre, Morris Museum, 
Monday, June 27, 8:00PM
“A sure to delight night of entertainment by a memorable, one-of-a-kind performer
and Rising Star!”- The New York Times
Join New York City’s Danny Bacher for an homage to the era of jumpin’ jive with a dollop of Dixieland. Featuring Jason Teborek (piano), Dean Johnson (bass), Henry Conerway III (drums), Jay Rodriguez (tenor sax), Warren Vache (cornet) and guest vocalist Alexis Cole.  Tickets: $15 in advance; $18 at the door.


Meet Me in Morristown
Downtown Morristown
Thursday, June 30 from 11:00AM to 9:00PM 
Sidewalk Sales: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm 
Entertainment: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Come out and join Morristown as they transform the downtown area into a center for art, music and fun on the last Thursdays of the month throughout the Summer.
Visual artists set up tables to showcase and sell their art, musicians dot the downtown, street performers engage audiences and Morristown businesses operate sidewalk sales and demonstrations.  Join the fun, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
To find more about Meet Me in Morristown visit http://bit.ly/24Szhcs

star wars under the stars

Star Wars Under The Stars
DoYo Field, between the Dorthy Young Center for the Arts and Madison Avenue at Drew University
Thursday, July 7 at 9:00pm
FREE SCREENING of Star Wars – The Force Awakens
The movie begins at 9:00pm on DOYO Field (located in the front of the Drew Campus on Madison Avenue)
All are encouraged to bring blankets and snacks
For more information:

firetruckTouch a Truck 
Madison Public Library
Saturday, July 30 from 10:00am to 3:00
Children can climb aboard, beep horns, flash lights, sound sirens and sit in the driver’s seat of their favorite trucks. The lineup includes many types of trucks, such as emergency, utility and construction vehicles.  Vehicles will stretch down Keep Street across from the library, and the YMCA parking lot will be filled with a variety of large trucks.
The event will feature working Lionel ‘O gauge’ trains running in an authentic 1928 baggage rail car.  A working Morris & Essex diesel locomotive, a 1928 safety training rail car, and new and antique Madison Central Railroad memorabilia complete this display.
Additional activities include free face painting, balloon artists, temporary tattoos, music and delicious food.
Admission for toddlers up to age 12 will be $8 for advance purchases postmarked or in-person at the library by Friday, July 23
$10 after that date and for same-day purchases. The cost for teens and adults is $5. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
All proceeds from the event will support renovation in the Children’s Department of the Madison Public Library



Greenwood Gardens 
274 Old Short Hills Road, Short Hills
Greenwood Gardens is preserving the gardens, architecture and landscape of Greenwood for the education and delight of the public. Greenwood fosters an appreciation of gardens and a respect for nature by working with others to promote conservation and stewardship of the land.
Information for your visit can be found at http://greenwoodgardens.org/plan-your-visit/tips-for-your-visit/
Hours:   Saturday thru Tuesday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission:   Members Free / Adults $10 / Seniors 65+ $5 / Students with ID $5 / Children 12 and under free

Hat exhibit

Museum of Early Trades & Crafts, 9 Main Street, Madison
The Milliner’s Tale: The Craft of Hat Making (Exhibit)
Through June 2016
The Milliner’s Tale examines the millinery trade from the 18th-20th century perspective of the milliner as a craftsperson. The millinery trade, along with dressmaking and other sewing industries, provided women with an acceptable occupation at a time when few women worked outside the home.
The hats featured in this exhibit are only a few examples of the hats made and worn during earlier times. We have also included select modern pieces created by 21st century milliners – evidence that millinery is a craft still very much alive.
9 Main Street at Green Village Road, Madison www.metc.org

chatham community players

The Chatham Community Players Season Information

KirbyExteriorShakespeare Theatre of New Jersey current schedule

chatham library

Library of the Chathams Calendar of Events

Morris Museum

Morris Museum – Theatre, Exhibits, Programs, and Events

 Posted by Marietta Iacouzzi

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