What To Do With All That Halloween Candy!

14702397_1285434798167094_7489518088041416037_nHalloween 2016 is in the books. If your house is anything like mine, you probably have so much candy, there is no way you could possible eat it all. Even after all of the candy trading, there is always a pile of unwanted candy my kids don’t like that they so graciously give to me.

Well, there is something kids can do if they are willing to part with some, or all, of their Halloween stash.

Westfield Pediatric Dental Group is once again offering it candy Buy Back Program. They are offering $1 per pound for candy brought to their office from 11/1 – 11/4. All of the candy will be donated to
and sent to our troops overseas.

I don’t know about you, but this is one way to keep me out of their candy bowls, once they have gone to sleep.

Westfield Pediatric Dental Group is located at 555 Westfield Avenue, 908-232-1231


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Author: Natalie Golub


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