Turning Down the Volume

Truth be told, I’m not usually a yeller. (I’ve got plenty of other issues but let’s not go there at the moment.) Sometimes, we all get frazzled, frustrated or overwhelmed shall we say and the mom volume goes straight through the roof. A recent article in Parents.com detailed 10 good ways for us to turn down that volume even on the less-than-idyllic days.

1. Just breathe
2. Address the behavior – we all have good kids; sometimes their behavior just stinks.
3. Mean business without being mean
4. Help your child explain his or her feelings
5. Have clear rules and follow through
6. Give praise for okay behavior
7. A strong bond makes discipline easier
8. Put yourself in their shoes
9. Keep up with good eating and sleeping habits
10. Remember we’re all not perfect


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Author: ellseaver

Family Editor - When it comes to family matters, there is always something to talk about. Ellen shares the latest.