Tips to Save Your Lawn in a Heatwave

When summer temperatures soar, your lawn needs some tender loving care. These lawncare tips for heatwaves can help your lawn weather the weather–and remain green until fall.

  • Keep your lawn a little long. Longer lawns do a better job of retaining water and standing up to heat. If you can, wait for a cooler day to mow and you will minimize water loss.
  • Skip the lawn fertilizer. Extreme heat and lawn fertilizer are a bad combination. You’re likely to damage your lawn. If you can, fertilize your lawn in the fall.
  • Water in the early morning. Early morning watering is a good idea for lawn care throughout the year, but during a heat wave, it is particularly useful in fighting evaporation, which dries out your garden.
  • Water deeply. Light and frequent watering might seem like a good idea for a parched lawn. But in fact, a deep watering two or three times a week works best, particularly during heat waves. Deeper watering helps the lawn extend its roots deeper into the soil, where moisture can be found even after the top inch or two of soil dries out.
  • Mow late or early. Don’t mow your lawn in the blazing sun of a 90-degree day. Wait until evening.


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Author: erinpruitt

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