10 Ways To Kill Time on a Snow Day
I don’t understand. I took the spoons out from under the pillows, flushed boiling water down the toilets and carefully reversed their pajamas while they were sleeping … and there is still a snow day. So much for superstition. Now what?
I’m thinking about what to do for the next few hours, and here is what I’ve come up with.
1. Plan your Spring and Summer Vacations. Start thinking about warmer days and warmer places to vacation, and spend some time making a bucket list of what you all want to do and what you want to accomplish. Then figure out how to get it done. When the kids are done, get out your calendar and a box of tissues and put your spring carpools together.
2. Play Chopped. There is nothing like a little good old fashioned kitchen competition. If you’ve never seen it, watch one episode On Demand (Food Network) first. You pick the ingredients and be the judge, your kids try to get creative. The food may be gross, but the laughs will be flowing.
3. Give them a scavenger hunt. Feel free to include some things you’ve been looking for. It is also a great way to have them find their uniforms for the weekend now.
4. Succumb to the pressure and curl up and watch a movie, but make it one of your favorites from when you were little. I guarantee your kids have not seen all the classics. (Shut off all cell phones please.)
5. FaceTime all the relatives you feel guilty for not staying in touch with … most of them are probably warm in Florida.
6. Go through old photos on your computer and let your kids pull out their favorites into one album named after them. For their next birthday, you can surprise them with a digital album. While your at it, go through old traditional photos too, and if you have older kids, ask them to scan them into your computer before they have aged beyond repair.
7. Watch your wedding video with your kids and let them make fun of you.
8. Look at your calendar and have your kids make homemade cards for all the birthdays and holidays you have coming up in the next couple of months. Store them, and pull them out when you need them. I never seem to remember birthdays in time to send something creative.
9. Clean out your game closet. You will feel accomplished and it will inspire you and your kids to play some games you haven’t looked at in years.
10. Finally, when all else fails, turn on the TV for your kids, and go hide in the bathroom with a good book and a bottle of wine. No guilt. It isn’t your fault it snowed and kids have to learn to entertain themselves for Pete’s sake!
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