Wostbrock Home
5 Simple Tips for Creating a Family-Friendly Home
After seeing (and salivating) over Melissa McCarthy’s beautiful home in “A Home Where Function Meets Fabulous” I asked her interior designer, Krista Wostbrock of Wostbrock Home if she could give us a few tips on how to keep our homes beautiful without sacfricing our aesthetic. Thanks for the tips, Krista! 1. Use durable textiles like crypton fabrics and wool or synthetic […]The Sweet Spot: Where Function Meets Fabulous!
Meet Melissa McCarthy. She is a high-achieving, beautiful wife and mother of two adorable, yet spirited children, ages 6 and 2 with a full-time career as a Rodan & Fields Consultant. After living in Hoboken, NJ for several years, she and her husband decided it was time to spread out a bit and settle into the suburbs. It’s a choice many of […]Subscribe!
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