Can Too Many Vitamins Make You Sick?
I’m noticing a “health” trend around my town and amongst my friends. Docs are testing for just about everything that can be tested for in an effort to find intolerances, deficiencies and excesses. The theory is we can fight aging and feel better if we have the perfect balance of the nutrients our body craves, these being specific to us. I’m […]The Big Deal About Fish Oil
Also read: Can CBD Oil Cure What Ails You? Fish is not a staple of most North American diets, however it is becoming more ubiquitous as people realize the health benefits. Ideally you should be eating 2-3 servings of fish per week. Optimal health benefits come from cold water fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, […]Can You Take Too Many Vitamins?
I’m noticing a “health” trend around my town and amongst my friends. Docs are testing for just about everything that can be tested for in an effort to find intolerances, deficiencies and excesses. The theory is we can fight aging and feel better if we have the perfect balance of the nutrients our body craves, […]Why I Started Taking Vitamin H
In the last few months, I started noticing that my hair felt thinner and was breaking more easily. My sister-in-law, a rheumatologist, suggested I try Biotin. She said that she recommends it to many of her patients who experience thinning hair as a side effect from their medications. Vitamin H, more commonly known as biotin, is part of the […]What’s the Deal with Vitamin B12?
I received an email from a reader who is wondering if she should take vitamin B12. It is a good inquiry, because many people in the U.S. don’t get enough naturally in their diet. The question comes at an interesting time for me personally, because I was recently diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency. I am […]Maxing Out on Multivitamins
Check your kids' multivitamins - you could be giving too much of a good thing.
Natural Immunity Boosters
Vaccine or not, more people get sick during the winter months - here are some natural ways to boost your immunity and improve your defense against any unwanted bugs.
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