The Fallout We Need to Consider
The dark humor abounds. Funny videos are hitting my inbox, and my texts are blowing up with memes about the increased need for alcohol and the decreased need for toilet paper — we all seem to have much more than we need. I appreciate the laughs, I really do. I need them. As I’ve learned the […]Maybe the Coronavirus Will Save Lives
As with any illness that takes lives, the coronavirus is scary. I get it. It is new and the media is milking it for all it’s worth. It is hard to rest easy when headlines are shouting death tolls and quarantine locations at you. Nothing anyone is saying is false, there is just so much […]The Dumbest Job Ever: Mother.
It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud —especially if it’s while I’m sweating and working my heiny off on the elliptical at the gym. (Yes, I read the paper while I work out—multitasking!) But the other day, I nearly tumbled off the machine into bruising hysterics when I read “Job Description for […]Check in on Someone Who Lives Alone
In memory of J.O.: We miss you and think of you often. I read an article today that made me feel so teary and sick inside. An elderly man was found dead on his porch in Ohio when a Meals On Wheels delivery person arrived to bring him dinner. Police couldn’t say why he was there; his keys […]What’s the Big Deal? It’s Just a Body…and It’s Beautiful.
My kids would probably be surprised to know that I wasn’t always comfortable in my body; my door is always open and they see it often. After living in this body for over 40 years, I’m finally comfortable in my skin. But like most kids, I was self-conscious during my teen years; I dreaded the locker […]Advice from My Priest About Being Kind on the Road
Almost every day, there seems to be an unsettling post on FB about someone being cut off by a crazy driver or a pedestrian who was nearly hit by a speeding car. This week, a friend’s daughter tripped in the street on her way to school and literally had to roll out of the way as a car […]Finding Your G Spot
by Shannon Albarelli, Psy.D. As a mom who works with moms; and is friends with moms; and sees moms professionally… it is clear to me that all moms (and all humans for that matter) need find…their g-spots, their place of Gratitude. I know, not as sexy as you expected, but I got your attention right? And […]Teens: We Want to Know What You’re Thinking About
We’re looking for High School students who like to write, want to learn a new skill and aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. TEENS make up a huge, vibrant and exciting part of our community. We want to know what is going on in your world. We are looking for sports and the arts coverage, upcoming events and updates on high […]Subscribe!
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May 25, 2013
Pancakes For Dinner…
August 25, 2017
2 Shaker Girls and Their All-Tap Wine Bar
February 02, 2018